
张立新,男,博士生导师,教授,BETVLCTOR伟德官方网址“杰出人才特区支持计划”第二层次特聘教授。1992年毕业于四川大学,获理学学士学位,1997年毕业于兰州大学,获理学博士学位,同年进入芬兰图尔库大学从事博士后研究。2000年-2018年,先后在中科院寒区旱区环境与工程研究所、兰州大学和中科院植物研究所从事光合作用研究工作,2010年-2018年任中科院植物所副所长。2007年获国家杰出青年科学基金资助。“新世纪百千万人才工程”国家级人选,中国青年科技奖获得者,茅以升科学技术奖-北京青年科技奖获得者。曾主持多项国家级重点科技项目,包括国家重点基础研究发展计划(973)2项(首席科学家,评估均为优秀),国家自然科学基金重点项目2项,国家自然科学基金国际合作项目1项。现主持国家重点研发计划1项,国家自然科学基金-河南省联合基金重点项目1项。在Cell、Annual Review of Plant Biology、Trends in Cell Biology、Nature Plants、Nature Communications、PNAS、Plant Cell等专业顶级期刊发表论文40余篇。现任国际光合作用协会执委会委员,植物学会常务理事。Photosynthesis Research副主编,Advance in Photosynthesis and Respiration, Molecular Plant、Biochim Biophys Acta Bioenergitcs等刊物编委。
研究方向:光合作用功能调控机理, 包括叶绿体基因表达调控、光合膜复合物组装、叶绿体信号转导、光合作用环境调节等。
Email: zhanglixin@henu.edu.cn
1. Ouyang M, Li X, Zhang J, Feng P, Pu H, Kong L, Bai Z, Rong L, Xu X, Chi W, Wang Q, Chen F, Lu C, Shen J, Zhang L*. (2020) Liquid-liquid phase transition drives intra-chloroplast cargo sorting. Cell 180: 1144-1159.e20.
2. Xu X, Ouyang M, Lu D, Zheng C, Zhang L*. (2021) Protein sorting within chloroplasts. Trends in Cell Biology 31: 9-16.
3. Ouyang M, Li X, Zhao S, Pu H, Shen J, Adam Z, Clausen T, Zhang L*. (2017) The crystal structure of Deg9 reveals a novel octameric-type HtrA protease. Nature Plants 3: 973-982.
4. Feng P, Guo H, Chi W, Chai X, Sun X, Xu X, Ma J, Rochaix JD, Leister D, Wang H, Lu C, Zhang L*. (2016) Chloroplast retrograde signal regulates flowering. PNAS 113: 10708-10713.
5. Chi W, Li J, He B, Chai X, Xu X, Sun X, Jiang J, Feng P, Zuo J, Lin R, Rochaix JD, Zhang L*. (2016) DEG9, a serine protease, modulates cytokinin and light signaling by regulating the level of ARABIDOPSIS RESPONSE REGULATOR 4. PNAS 113: E3568-3576.
6. Xu X, Chi W, Sun X, Feng P, Guo H, Li J, Lin R, Lu C, Wang H, Leister D, Zhang L*. (2016) Convergence of light and chloroplast signals for de-etiolation through ABI4-HY5 and COP1. Nature Plants 2: 16066.
7. Guo H, Feng P, Chi W, Sun X, Xu X, Li Y, Ren D, Lu C, Rochaix J, Leister D, Zhang L*. (2016) Plastid-nucleus communication involves Q6 calcium-modulated MAPK signalling. Nature Commun. 7: 12173.
8. Mao J, Chi W, Ouyang M, He B, Chen F, Zhang L*. (2015) PAB is an assembly chaperone that functions downstream of chaperonin 60 in the assembly of chloroplast ATP synthase coupling factor 1. PNAS 112: 4152-4157.
9. Chi W, Feng P, Ma J, Zhang L*. (2015) Metabolites and chloroplast retrograde signaling. Curr. Opin. Plant Biol. 25:32-38.
10. Chi W, He B, Manavski N, Mao J, Ji D, Lu C, Rochaix JD, Meurer J, Zhang L*. (2014) RHON1 mediates a Rho-like activity for transcription termination in plastids of Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Cell 26: 4918-4932.
11. Chi W, Sun X, Zhang L*. (2013). Intracellular signaling from plastid to nucleus. Annu. Rev. Plant Biol. 6464: 559-582.
12. Chi W, He B, Mao J, Li Q, Ma J, Ji D, Zou M, Zhang L*. (2012) The function of RH22, a DEAD RNA Helicase, in the biogenesis of the 50S ribosomal subunits of Arabidopsis chloroplasts. Plant Physiol. 158: 693-707.
13. Xiao J, Li J, Ouyang M, Yun T, He B, Ji D, Ma J, Chi W, Lu C, Zhang L*. (2012) DAC is involved in the accumulation of the cytochrome b6/f complex in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Physiol. 160: 1911-1922.
14. Sun X, Feng P, Xu X, Guo H, Ma J, Chi W, Lin R, Lu C, Zhang L*. (2011) A chloroplast envelope bound PHD transcription factor mediates chloroplast signals to the nucleus. Nature Commun. 2: 477.
15. Ouyang M, Li X, Ma J, Chi W, Xiao J, Zou M, Chen F, Lu C, Zhang, L*. (2011) LTD is essential for sorting of LHCP to the chloroplast SRP pathway. Nature Commun. 2: 277.
16. Chi W, Mao J, Li Q, Ji D, Zou M, Lu C, Zhang L*. (2010) Interaction of the pentatricopeptide-repeat protein DELAYED GREENING1 with sigma factor SIG6 in the regulation of chloroplast gene expression in Arabidopsis cotyledons. Plant J. 64: 14-25.
17. Sun X, Ouyang M, Guo J, Ma J, Lu C, Adam Z, Zhang L*. (2010) The thylakoid protease Deg1 is involved in photosystem-II assembly in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant J. 62: 240-249.
18. Sun X, Fu T, Chen N, Guo J, Ma J, Zou M, Lu C, Zhang L*. (2010) The stromal chloroplast Deg7 protease participates in the repair of photosystem II after photoinhibition in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiology 152: 1263-1273.
19. Cai W, Ji D, Peng L, Guo J, Ma J, Zou M, Lu C, Zhang L*. (2009) LPA66 is required for editing psbF chloroplast transcripts in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiology 150: 1260-1271.
20. Chi W, Ma J, Zhang D, Guo J, Chen F, Lu C, Zhang L*. (2008) The pentratricopeptide repeat protein delayed greening1 is involved in the regulation of early chloroplast development and chloroplast gene expression in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiology 147: 573-584.
21. Sun X, Peng L, Guo J, Chi W, Ma J, Lu C, Zhang L*. (2007) Formation of DEG5 and DEG8 complexes and their involvement in the degradation of photodamaged photosystem II reaction center D1 protein in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Cell 19: 1347-1361.
22. Peng L, Ma J, Chi W, Guo J, Zhu S, Lu Q, Lu C, Zhang L*. (2006) Low PSII Accumulation1 is involved in efficient assembly of photosystem II in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Cell 18: 955-969.
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